Our Services
Lamont Johnson Care Home Services
The services we offer in this specialised sector includes free market advice, realistic valuations, provision of knowledge on statutory regulations and requirements and coherent liaison with other professionals involved in any transaction.
In addition to our standard Care Home selling and buying services we also offer a land development service, the details of which can be found on our Land Services page.
Selling a Care Home
We know only too well that most private Care Home businesses represent many years and perhaps generations of hard work and continuous care on the part of its owners.
Care Home owners looking to employ an exit strategy will be aware that this requires serious planning and sound advice from an experienced agent who places great emphasis on:
- Confidentiality being maintained at all times throughout the sales process
- Maximising the value of your home
- Having a one to one relationship and dialogue with the Principals of the selling agency
An early telephone conversation with us involving the process, the timescales and possible values may well lead to further discussions, all of course at that stage, without obligation on your part.
Our principal Directors have been appraising the value of and selling care homes for 39 and 33 years respectively, a combined 72 years of experience in this very specialised field.
There are no upfront fees.
Frequently Asked Questions
Since every Home is different we use multiple methods and procedures to give our clients a range of ideas of what their business may be worth. Business valuation is not always as scientific as you may think. The business valuer uses assumptions based on his knowledge and experience in the market place, as well as his familiarity with similar businesses.
Our number one goal is to keep everything about the business confidential. If employees, residents’ families or competitors become aware that the business is for sale, it could have a negative effect on the business and/or the transaction. In order to keep your business confidential we go through a qualifying process with each and every potential buyer that may have an interest in your Home.
Once a potential buyer contacts us, we automatically ask them to complete a detailed buyers registration form to allow us to make a judgement as to their suitability to obtain further information or indeed, view the Home.
Typically a transaction can take anything from 30 days to 6 months to complete, from the date that a sale is agreed. The variables include such things as whether it an asset or share sale, whether funding is involved, and whether the lawyers on either side of the transaction are experienced in Healthcare transactions. All of these factors can have an impact on timing.

Buying a Care Home
We know only too well that most private Care Home businesses represent many years and perhaps generations of hard work and continuous care on the part of its owners.
Care Home owners looking to employ an exit strategy will be aware that this requires serious planning and sound advice from an experienced agent who places great emphasis on:
England: Care Quality Commission
Wales: Care and Social Services Inspectorate
Scotland: Care Inspectorate
Ireland: Registered Quality Improvement Authority
If you do wish to register with us as a potential buyer, please register here or alternatively, call us directly on 01937 842758.
Please be aware that in order to maintain strict confidentiality, we do not normally provide addresses and exact locations of any Care Home that we have for sale.
If you wish to view a Home, please call us to make the necessary arrangements, we will be only too happy to assist. We do ask however, that you maintain the utmost discretion whilst viewing a Home as staff and residents are invariably unaware that the business is for sale.